Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange
aSmile site map

See a list below of all our website pages and blog posts. If you are still having issues finding content please contact us.
Posts by category
- Clinician
- Events
- World Mental Health Day
- TheMHS Learning Network Events
- World Suicide Prevention Day 2019
- “R U OK?” DAY
- PANDA Week 10-16 Nov
- National Stroke Week
- National Mental Health Month
- NAIDOC Week 7 – 14 July 2019: Join the “Voice. Treaty. Truth”
- Mental Health Week
- Mental Health 101 Seminar Nov 12
- Melbourne mental health film festival
- HOPE into Action
- Cultural Diversity Week – 16th to 24th March 2019
- BPD Foundation’s Annual National Conference
- BPD conference
- BPD Awareness Week
- Be Medicinewise Week 2019
- ADHD awareness month
- Featured
- Medications
- Mental Health
- News
- Social
- Support
- About aSMILE
- Accessibility
- Blog
- Borderline personality disorder
- Clinicians
- Conditions and treatments
- Contact
- COVID-19 and Mental Health
- Physical health dental care
- Depression
- Disclaimer
- Emerging information
- Mental health events
- Fact sheets resources
- Have your say
- Home Medicines Review
- Management of medication
- Management of physical health
- Mental health and children
- Mental health practitioners
- Neuropsychologist
- News
- Orygen
- Overview of Australian Mental Health
- Peer support worker
- People and Pets
- Psychologists
- Schizophrenia
- Site map
- Substance use and mental health (dual diagnosis)
- aSMILE Supporters
- Terms and Conditions
- aSmile home page
- What happens when you are feeling unwell?
Stay in the loop with our monthly newsletters!
If you are having thoughts of suicide, or severe self-harm please follow your crisis plan. If you do not have a crisis plan please call your treating clinician, therapist, general practitioner, one of the numbers listed below or go to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital. In a life-threatening emergency ring 000.
Phone numbers and other supports that can be contacted in a crisis:
Life Line: 13 11 14 |
Sane Helpline: 1800 187 263 |