Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange
aSMILE supporters

aSMILE is a collaborative, not-for-profit, state-wide mental health project developed at St Vincent’s Mental Health (Melbourne) and other mental health organisations within Victoria. We would especially like to acknowledge Mr. Lawrence Court, a private philanthropist. aSMILE has also been funded by the Collier Charitable Fund, the auDA Foundation, Robert Croft Fund, a fund at Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation; Kevin & Jacqui Clancy Family Fund, a fund at Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation; and R C & E M Bennett Fund, a fund at Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.
Many people have contributed to the development of this project through research, focus groups, advice, information and ideas. We would like to acknowledge and thank all who have contributed and supported us in our endeavor. They are:
- NEAMI National
- Victorian Transcultural Mental Health
- Victorian Mental Illness Fellowship
- Victorian Mental Health Carers Network Inc.
- Vietnamese Mental Health Workers Network (Melbourne)
- St Mary’s House of Welcome
- Western Region Health Centre
- Mid-West Area Mental Health Services (Harvester Clinic)
- Mercy Health (Saltwater Clinic)
- Doutta Galla Community Health
- BreakThru
- The Australian Borderline Personality Disorder Foundation
- St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and St Vincent’s Mental Health
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If you are having thoughts of suicide, or severe self-harm please follow your crisis plan. If you do not have a crisis plan please call your treating clinician, therapist, general practitioner, one of the numbers listed below or go to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital. In a life-threatening emergency ring 000.
Phone numbers and other supports that can be contacted in a crisis:
Life Line: 13 11 14 |
Sane Helpline: 1800 187 263 |