Statewide Mental Illness Learning Exchange
Have your say

In this section we are asking you to submit your personal mental health quotes, stories and comments. What do you think? Let us know below and we will endeavor to publish your words here. We would love to hear from consumers, clinicians, carers and those interested in mental health.
You tell us
Submit your content below after you read the following instructions.
- Your quote and comments must be original and from your own mind and life.
- If you would like to tell a long story, you can submit it below, however we reserve the right to edit the story in order to reduce the amount of characters.
- This is a voluntary service, no fees will be paid by aSmile or expected from you in order to publish your content on the aSmile website.
- Your comtent should not contain any marketing text for products or services.
- After you submit your content below, allow up to 14 days for our team to review your submission and to contact you via email.
With special thanks to
You for sharing your thoughts and stories
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If you are having thoughts of suicide, or severe self-harm please follow your crisis plan. If you do not have a crisis plan please call your treating clinician, therapist, general practitioner, one of the numbers listed below or go to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital. In a life-threatening emergency ring 000.
Phone numbers and other supports that can be contacted in a crisis:
Life Line: 13 11 14 |
Sane Helpline: 1800 187 263 |