Conditions & Treatment Options


In this section are links to separate pages containing detailed information about a specific condition, including links to valuable resources and documents that cater to both consumers and carers. Emerging information and clinician specific resources are also located in separate pages.


Personality disorder

A focus on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).


Symptoms and treatment options.

Substance use

Substance use and mental health (dual diagnosis).


How diagnosis is made and how antipsychotic medications work.

Physical health

The interdependent relationship between body and mind.


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If you are having thoughts of suicide, or severe self-harm please follow your crisis plan. If you do not have a crisis plan please call your treating clinician, therapist, general practitioner, one of the numbers listed below or go to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital. In a life-threatening emergency ring 000.
Phone numbers and other supports that can be contacted in a crisis:
Life Line: 13 11 14 |
Sane Helpline: 1800 187 263 |