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- Power Neighbourhood House LGBTQIA+ December 14, 2022
- Psychotropic Drug Advisory Service – PDAS October 20, 2021
- Looking after your mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions August 31, 2021
Psychiatric medication information: A guide to patients & carers” booklet 4th edition (January 2017)
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You are not alone in this, we are all in this together – let’s stay connected during this pandemic and beyond.
PDAS provides patient-focused clinical advice to various healthcare providers to optimise the safe and efficacious use of psychotropic medicines.
The impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, more government support options available.
COVID-19 translated information for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, health professionals and industry.
HeadtoHelp supports Victorians of all ages. If your mental health is suffering because of the current pandemic, call HeadtoHelp on 1800 595 212 now.
You tell us! Share your mental health experience with others. We would love to hear from consumers, clinicians, carers, and those interested in mental health.
Medications can make a big difference and help treat your condition if they are taken correctly.
Psychiatric medication information A guide to patients & carers” booklet 4th edition (January 2017). A comprehensive guide from St Vincent’s Hospital & The University of Melbourne.
If you or someone you know is feeling unwell, there are a number of things you can do.
FAQs including the assessment process. what is it like being in hospital, if you are in hospital under the Mental Health Act 2014, if you disagree with your status, diagnosis or treatment plan and discharge/ planning options.
In this section we explore shared decision making and post some valuable resource relating to the mental health act 2014.
The 2014 Act came into effect in July 2014. It introduced new principles to support people experiencing mental illness to make and participate in treatment decision (shared decision making) and to have their views and preferences considered and respected.
Latest addintions include Mindgardens white paper Review of the burden of disease for neurological, mental health and substance use disorders in Australia.
In this section there is a focus on new information that will be of relevance to consumers, carers and clinicians. latest entries include Health Translations, Emerging mental disorders and Royal commission reports.
Mental health is the most common health issue facing young people worldwide.
Orygen provides specialist mental health services for young people aged 15 to 25 who reside in the western and north-western regions of metropolitan Melbourne
Learn moreThe mental health of the under 18 age group. Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. Half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20s
Learn moreMedications can make a big difference and help treat your condition if they are taken correctly.
Oct 13, 2020 | News
The National Stigma Report Card presents the findings from Our Turn to Speak, the most comprehensive survey of its kind in Australia. The findings strongly reinforce the importance of continuing to work collaboratively to build an Australia free from stigma and...